
Optical graphics on wall

The "Optical" project represents a careful reinterpretation of a painting by artist Bridget Riley, a milestone in optical art, directed on a bedroom wall. Bridget Riley gave the world a 1964 work that, with its vivid optical illusion, challenges the public's perception, revolutionizing the understanding of form and space.

The implementation of this project was based on a preliminary digital study phase. After surveying the wall, we used Illustrator graphics software to adapt and size the reference drawing to the wall. This step was crucial to ensure that the final effect respected the intent of the original artwork while preserving the harmony of the environment.

One of the key aspects was to ensure maximum precision in the shapes. For this reason, we used cellulose stencils, cut by laser, which allowed us to achieve sharp circles and ellipses and consistent distances between elements.

The painting, done entirely by hand with acrylic paint, took a week to complete. Through technical precision and attention to detail, Riley's work came to life on the wall, giving the bedroom a unique and distinctive character.

This project, more than just a replication, was an opportunity to immerse oneself in the world of optical art and interpret Bridget Riley's work in a residential context. The end result offers a unique vantage point on a historic work, transforming the room into a space for contemplation and dialogue with art.

Realized the

July 8, 2018


End customer


Activities carried out in the project

Graphic design, Hand painting


All ovals have been hand-painted

The graphics have been adapted to the wall of the room so that they intersect properly with doors and other elements

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