Metal Skins

An experimental investigation of possibilities and limitations of elastoforming with tooling produced by Selective Laser Melting technology, for decorative embossing of sheet metal

The "Metal Skins" project, proposed for my master's thesis in Design & Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, represents an ambitious technological challenge: to experiment with the use of SLM (Selective Laser Melting) additive technology for the production of equipment (punches) dedicated to the decorative embossing of metal sheets.

The idea of "Metal Skins" lies in the adoption of SLM technology, an additive manufacturing technique that uses the power of lasers to melt and solidify layers of powdered material. The project aimed to explore new possibilities in the decoration of metal sheets, breaking the limits of traditional techniques and resulting in original and sophisticated solutions.

After careful analysis of current decorative metal solutions and manufacturing technologies, I designed a prototype die and seven embossing punches, each with a distinctive texture. These tools were produced at the Sitec-Laboratory for Laser Applications of the Department of Mechanics, Politecnico di Milano, using a TruPrint 3000. The punches, once created, underwent a post-production process at Terenzi S.r.L- TGroup, which involved heat treatments and finishing and grinding operations. In addition, I collaborated with Terenzi in the design and fabrication of a die for embossing sheet metal tiles.

The result was a real production experiment, during which we produced several embossed tiles from copper and brass sheets, testing the effectiveness and precision of the punches. The combination of these innovative techniques with design produced results of great aesthetic and functional value.

The last step was performed with the purpose of quantifying the loss of resolution and transfer fidelity of the original design graphics on the metal sheet. For each design texture, the motival surface of the punch produced in SLM and the corresponding embossed copper and brass sheets (one per material) were scanned. Acquisition of the surface data was performed at the metrology laboratory of the Department of Mechanics of the Politecnico di Milano with an Alicona DeepFocus ( focus variation). The results were then processed according to ISO 25178(Geometric Product Specifications (GPS) - Surfacetexture: areal), using MountainsLab-Digital Surf software.

The qualification analysis showed the relationship between the surface roughness typical of the SLM process and the distortions caused by it, with the testural patterns of the ideal geometry. It was also possible to summarily quantify the loss of resolution found on the embossed plates, in terms of quantity, size and sharpness of the surfaces, in comparison with the surfaces of metal embossing punches (SLM) and ideal surfaces.

The "Metal Skins" project represents an emblematic example of my approach to design: a perfect combination of technological innovation, aesthetic research and practical functionality. A work that demonstrates how SLM technology can be effectively exploited in the field of industrial design, offering new opportunities and potential in the field of metal sheet decoration.

Realized the

December 22, 2020


Polytechnic University of Milan

End customer

Activities carried out in the project


The 3d matrices of the 7 matrices bearing the 7 testural motifs.

Production steps for making elastoforming and deep-drawing punches. From 3d SLM printing to heat treatments and postproductive surface finishing steps.

The production steps of laser-cut, oxidized, and then deep-drawn tiles

The connfronto between 3d mathematics of ideal design and 3d scan of the punch surface in Maraging and the deep-drawn tile

Study using the staggered color method of the loss of resolution along the entire production process, from dowel design to deep-drawn tile surfaces

Segmentation analysis allows the morphological variation of elements to be evaluated. indicates the variation of geometric information throughout the entire production process, from tile design to deep-drawn tile surfaces.

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