Luna Surface

Oxidized lunar surface on stainless steel

As part of my role at Planium S.r.l., I had the opportunity to help create a unique and aesthetically impressive product: the Luna Surface. This project was an interesting intersection of art, science and engineering, in which I collaborated with my team and the sales department to bring to life a fascinating innovation in the field of materials.

Our goal was to create a design reminiscent of the lunar surface, and we chose to use oxidized stainless steel to do so. Through the use of an electrochemical marking stencil canvas, we transferred the lunar texture generated from a photo provided by NASA onto metal. This technique produced a steel painting with rich color contrast and remarkable three-dimensionality, whose silvery, gray and white tones evoke the cold and fascinating atmosphere of our satellite.

During the project, I closely followed every step of the process, from concept to industrialization to the production stages. I worked closely with the team to ensure that every detail was taken care of to the best of my ability and that the final product reflected our initial vision.

The Luna Surface is more than just a product: it is an expression of our curiosity and desire to experiment and innovate. Its design is inspired by the mystery and beauty of the Moon, a symbol of the unconscious, irrationality, but also the human will to investigate and learn.

This project will remain a significant example of how creativity can meet engineering to create unique and impactful products.

Realized the

April 30, 2021


Planium Ltd.

End customer

Planium Ltd.

Activities carried out in the project

Handmade, Study of oxidative processes


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