White Heart Logo

Logo design for the Bianco Cuora boutique in Verona

For the logo design of the "Bianco Cuore" clothing boutique in Verona, the goal was to visually translate the essence of the brand into a distinctive and memorable symbol. It had to express not only the brand's name, but also its unique identity-that of a boutique that combines a love of detail, a passion for fashion, and a genuine dedication to the needs of every customer.

In the logo, two hangers are overlapped in an inverted way to form a heart, creating an immediate visual link to the brand name and its main activity. In the center of the hanger is a bow, adding a touch of femininity and romance, elements central to the brand's identity.

The wording "White Heart," created in an elegant, not-too-thick cursive font, enhances the romantic and delicate look of the logo while maintaining perfect legibility. The colors chosen - white, a very light mint green and a dull brown - evoke the cozy and refined atmosphere of the boutique, evoking a sense of calm and serenity.

This project was an opportunity to explore the power of graphic design in creating an emotional connection between a brand and its audience. The "White Heart" logo is not just a symbol, but a visual narrative that summarizes the philosophy and experience offered by the boutique. In this sense, the logo design is as much an effort to listen and understand as it is a design exercise.

Realized the

September 12, 2018


White Heart Verona

End customer

Activities carried out in the project

Logo redesign


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