The Sestese

Citizen voice assistant for the city. of Sesto San Giovanni (MI)

At the Politecnico di Milano, during my path for my three-year thesis in Industrial Product Design, I focused on the enhancement and redevelopment of Sesto San Giovanni through the project "Il Sestese." In an ever-changing city like Milan, with its vibrant and rapidly changing suburbs, I wanted to create an outdoor furniture element capable of actively interacting with citizens and visitors.

"The Sestese" is more than just an information totem: it is an interactive city guide, capable of giving geolocated information about local facilities, activities and businesses in the city. Featuring an opal matt polycarbonate exterior structure, which gives it a modern, weatherproof appearance, the totem's design recalls the iconic shape of a character. With a cylindrical effix concrete base, a slightly conical bust evoking the silhouette of a glass, and a spherical head, "The Sestese" is a fusion of art and functionality.

But that's not all. The magic happens inside the sphere: a high-tech projector projects information and images outward, providing users with visual and interactive data. The mouth, in addition to being a distinctive design element, is equipped with a speaker and proximity sensor. Like contemporary voice assistants, "The Sestese" recognizes language and responds to users' questions. By rotating the "ear" hemispheres, users can navigate through the information displayed.

A hint of Milan's street art culture is evident in the inspiration drawn from the "panettoni" customized by artist Pao Pao. This artistic appeal is combined with the totem's functionality, making it a unique landmark in the city. Finally, each totem can be customized by sponsors: stickers on the body and thematic projections on the head allow local businesses to have a visual presence.

With "Il Sestese," Sesto San Giovanni is not just a place to walk through: it is a city to explore, learn about, and experience in 360 degrees. Through technology and design, "The Sestese" becomes the silent ambassador of urban life, orienting and engaging those who venture into its streets.

Realized the

April 19, 2015


End customer

Municipality of Sesto San Giovanni

Activities carried out in the project


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